Monday, January 19, 2009

An Update, An Offer, An Invitation And a Plea For Help

Hello again, classmates, and welcome to the first North Central High School Class of '69 Reunion blog post of 2009. I spent yesterday afternoon with some dedicated committee members and someone brought up the fact that the "Brickyard 400" was on July 26 this year, the day after your reunion. We all whole-heartedly agreed that this was a most auspicious coincidence, that two such potentially enjoyable events could be taken in on the same weekend. And who knows what the committee might dream up for Friday night and Saturday?

The National Bank of Indianapolis has graciously agreed to sponsor the triumphant return of "The Thundermen" for your dancing pleasure. Woodstock Country Club is one of the most elegant party venues in Indianapolis. The people who used to snub you are now fat, bald and grey; they make great snub targets themselves, now. We will eat, drink and be merry once again. We want you to be there with us, to be part of a grand celebration. Please contact the committee or comment on this post. Let us know you'll be there. Buy your tickets in advance and save $10 per. Tell your classmate friends. Let us know how to find you. Subscribe to this blog. Post your questions or concerns on this blog and I'll get answers for you. Tell me I've just written an offensive, arrogant paragraph, I don't care. Tell us you'll join us...

(Us=those who've said 'yes' and would like to see you.)